Become a member
SAZBA membership
registration form
Membership is open to anyone interested in bees and beekeeping.
You do not need to own a hive to join. Being a member of the
Southern Arizona Beekeepers Association (SAZBA) provides many
benefits to beekeepers and supporters of beekeeping:
SAZBA Committees working on your behalf .
Networking – You have the ability to interact with folks who “have been there and done that” and are willing to share their experiences with you.
Meetings – Twelve monthly meetings take place each year that include presentations on various topics and renowned speakers.
Discounts on Classes & Seminars – Discount to SAZBA members for local hands-on Beekeeping Trainings.
Association Extractor – SAZBA has a manual extractor and extracting equipment for your use.
Local Honey Provider – Members who pay an advertising fee of $100 can be listed on the SAZBA website's local honey provider page. This page provides local area residents with a listing of individuals who sell locally produced honey.
Swarm & Bee removal – Members who pay an advertising fee of $100 can be listed on the SAZBA website by specific areas to capture honey bee swarms or remove established hives. The listing provides the general public and local government with a source of individuals who are capable of removing a honey bee swarm or established beehives.
SAZBA Web Site – The web site provides information on beekeeping that is specific to our area, and updates on association events and topics of interest for our local area.
We are looking forward to you joining us! Please fill out and print the form below.
You may pay your membership directly via PayPal.
PLEASE be sure to note your full name, email
address, phone, and home address in the
Note field of your Paypal Payment.
Also, join our mailing list for our monthly newsletter.
Pay Single ($15)
Pay Family ($20)
Must live at the same address
Advertising Fee ($100)