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November 2023 Meeting

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November 14, 2023 

The Southern Arizona Beekeepers Association will be holding its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 14th at 7:00 PM in person and via Zoom 


Colony Thirst: When, Why, and How A Colony Takes in Water


Dr. Thomas Seeley


 Tuesday, November 14th at 7:00 PM Arizona


The Southern Arizona Beekeepers Association will be holding its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 14th at 7:00 PM in person and via Zoom


Main Presentation

Colony Thirst: When, Why, and How A Colony Takes in Water by Dr. Thomas Seeley

As beekeepers here in the Sonoran Desert we have learned, sometimes the hard way, of the importance of water to our colonies.


Water collection is essential to thermoregulation of the brood nest and nutrition of the larvae.  When overheating threatens the brood nest, a colony must increase its water intake, and when a colony is rearing brood but is not gathering much nectar, it must boost its water intake to produce food for the larvae.


This presentation will cover when and why a colony takes in water and how a colony's water-collection specialists precisely start and stop their work as a colony's need for water rises and falls.


Dr. Thomas Seeley, one of the best known and most respected experts on honey bee behavior will be joining us via Zoom. He is professor at Cornell University where he studies honey bee behavior and has published several books on beekeeping, including Honeybee Democracy.


Other items on the agenda

  • Voting on amending club by-laws

Current by-laws and proposed changes are shown on this link:

  • State of the hive

What is going on in the beeyard this month

  • Raffle for members attending in person

In addition to the usual beekeeping gear, the raffle items this month will include two copies of Dr. Seeley’s popular book, “Honeybee Democracy.”


Join the Meeting in Person

Where: American Legion Hall, 330 W. Franklin Street, Tucson. There is plenty of free parking available at the Legion Hall and on the street.


Join via Zoom


Topic: Dr. Tom Seeley, Nov 14, 2023

Time: Nov 14, 2023 07:00 PM Arizona


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 823 1332 0685

Passcode: 015500


Dial in: (346) 248-7799 US


Coming up next month: SAZBA Holiday Party and Potluck!

Mark your calendar! December 12 in person at the American Legion Hall. There will be food, door prizes, and more. We promise that Will Fitz is not going show up dressed like Santa Claus, but we can’t guarantee whether he might be in disguise as an elf.



Join SAZBA or Renew Your Membership

You can pay your membership via PayPal on our website on our Membership Page.  Please put your full name and email and “membership dues” in the notes field of the PayPal payment.

Otherwise, you can mail a check along with the membership form to the SAZBA treasurer:

E. Smrcinova
11854 N Crescendo Dr
Oro Valley AZ 85737

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